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Strategy and Change

Every decision made, results in some form of change.

Large scale or wide impacting change has the opportunity to transform organisations, and sometimes, whole communities.

If change is not managed holistically, then even the best policy, plan or program can end in failure.

We will partner with you and your stakeholders to determine what you want to change, how and who will benefit and also how it could harm. 

Making the decision to press "go" on your change will be the bravest thing you do. Will it be worth it?

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At first they will ask WHY are you doing that? Later when you have successfully implemented your strategy, they will say HOW did you do that?


It's easy to spend our time telling people how we did something, but successful change sits on the shoulders of a game changing innovation, or a solid strategy that serves the financial and sociological desires of the organisation.


Strategic Plans can be powerful tools that bring clarity and focus. They show your courage and commitment to make relevant change now and into the future.


What are the global or local drivers for change?

What data will you use to make decisions with.

Who will you invite into your process? 



Implementation Approaches

Here is a secret. Go into your internet search engine and type, "Change Implementation Plans". Or ask your AI program to build you a Change Program. There are many free templates that will help you build a plan that works for your organisation. In fact, feel free to use this one I created.


Of course you will ensure you have the right leadership, the right budget, a comprehensive communications plan and most of all your change champions!


So what could go wrong?


If you have already assessed the strategy of why, and ensure you are looking after your people, then the following areas might need some additional attention:


Identifying and resolving issues, quickly

Decision Making in the context of power and influence

Optimism Bias and what to do when the first thing goes wrong.


Having an independent view might be all you need to have the confidence to press go!

Psychological Principals of Change

You can have the best strategy or innovation together with a perfectly crafted Implementation Plan. 


However, if you have not courageously considered the impact on your people, you will fail. and it will be costly from a financial perspective as well as the breakdown of trust which will permeate any future attempts to bring change.


Even if you have created a human centered communications plan and your leaders are primed as are your wellbeing programs. There will be moments when it still feels harder than it needs to. 


This is a complex area of change, and no two change programs are the same.


Be encouraged, you will get to the end, the question is:

at what cost?

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